Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dreamgate : seems not very much a good choice

I used to have Dreamgate shares, but have sold them long time ago. Lately it is laden with bad news (Kemboja not allow casino operation, which is affecting Dreamgate operation).

anyway, let's look at it data from 2004 up to 2007. From the accounts (Balance sheet, P&L, CF), i have calculated some ratios. It shows that dreamgate is pretty aggressive in executing its business (in term of leveraging).
The rule of thumbs for Accrual ratio is it should be not exceed 10%.

the BS accrual ratio is a new ratio which i have just picked up from my friend @

on 2005, Sales/Cash collected ratio is very high and may signify that Dreamgate management has been using aggressive revenue recognition to push up their revenue growing rate. Luckily,
Sales/Cash collected ratio is somewhat lower nowadays.

financial year ended 2007 2006 2005 2004
increase in receivables 31,388 19,573 36,376
% increase in receivables 30.44% 23.43% 77.15%
%increase in turnover 28.29% 39.77% 33.60%
total assets 402,625 283,965 246,096 158,507
total cash 42,937 21,575 17,509 25,735
total liabilities 226,615 145,266 133,581 71,595
total debt 141,463 68,963 61,283 26,013
NOA (net operating asset)
274,536 186,087 156,289 87,190
average NOA for past 2 yrs 230,312 171,188 121,740 43,595
cash collected 244,918 195,807 117,723
b/s accrual ratio 38.40% 17.41% 56.76%
sales cash collected ratio 112.82% 110.00% 130.90%

if we look at the % increase in receivables Vs increase in turnover, from 2006 to 2007 we see that it has increase in receivables but decrease turnover. This seems to spell another trouble in brewing.

as such, better avoid this stock at the moment.

1) for simplicity stake, some of the info' (such as total debt) i take lumped value and this will introduce some inaccuracies, but it won't be too significantly affecting the validity of the ratios calculated.
2)2008 data will be quite bad, which i haven't got the time to include in this calculation.

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