Tuesday, February 16, 2010

trading...forget about it

my attempt to earn from short term trading over supermax fail miserably. on the contrary, if i would have bought into Haio, i would have earn 10%. another blow to tell me that i should stick fast to my buy hold strategy through high dividend high growth company. Or was it just an exeption this time? Luckily, supermax, at least in near future, won't be a bad stock to own. At least it would serve to complement my existing portfolio. There is one leasson here,diversification works- although i not manage to earn from the period under review.

today i read with amazement that under the new basel 2 capital requirement, public bank tier 1 capital will be reduced to 5.6%. The bank has guided analyst that dividend payout will be slashed to 50-55% from the current 80%. ROE will also gets affected. Is this a good news? In term of short term stock price, at least i couldn't fathom why this would be a good news. Over long term i confident the bank will be able to live through it, but it appears to me there are many other more attractive stocks out there. Well, if pbbank does dip a lot may be i think buy it instead. Let's wait to see if that happens or not

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